Saturday, September 12, 2009

Deja Vu?

Welcome! I created this site days ago and to save myself from staring at my ceiling thinking, "what the heck is this for," I will just be writing. None of it true literature. As a blog neophyte, I'll slowly develop what this site will be all about and update accordingly.

I've moved and to use the word "a lot" truly is an understatement. My paypal address list now exceeds 10 addresses. My definition of home has always been a bit skewed due to no solid roots. However, certain smells or times of the year can soothe me. In March 2009, I visited San Francisco, California for my honeymoon. Those that live there or have ever been know where I'm headed. Mind you, this was my first time but immediately I knew that I was home. My soul starved for culture and boy did I get my fill.

*If you chose to read this blog and even possibly subscribe (joy!) to my feed, San Francisco will be a continual topic. If you hate that city, then you probably shouldn't be reading this. Go ahead and visit this site.

I have thought of my beloved home every day since I left and my heart aches to go back. I am going to sleep now to dream of fresh croissants from Tartine.

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